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The Silver Lady is a very clean, comfortable, excellently maintained Tollycraft, with separate bathroom, table seating, heated cabin, and large open deck, with top of the line electronics, safety equipment, and fishing gear.





Nonresident 1 Day Sport Fishing License $15.00     1 Day King Salmon Stamp $15.00



Nonresident 3 Day Sport Fishing License $30.00   3 Day King Salmon Stamp $30.00 $30$20.00



Nonresident 7 Day Sport Fishing License $45.00    7 Day King Salmon Stamp $45.00



Nonresident 14 Day Sport Fishing License $75.00   4 Day King Salmon Stamp $75.00



Nonresident Annual Sport Fishing License $100.00 Annual King Salmon Stamp $100.00



**Licences & tags may be purchased on board, prior to fishing









King Salmon-(Chinook)
best from mid-May thru the end of July


Silver Salmon-(Coho)

best in July, August and September

Pink Salmon-(Humpy)

plentiful from late June on

Chum Salmon-(Dog) and Sockeye-(Red)

are caught occasionally from July on 



Pacific Halibut are the largest of all flat fishes. After spawning, halibut begin to migrate to shallower coastal summer feeding areas. Most sport caught halibut are 8 - 15 years old.

Halibut move from hole to hole, so you just have to find them. Halibut fishing takes

some "running time" as well as a change in equipment and gear.

Other bottom fish such as Red Snapper, Ling Cod, and Rockfish are often caught while targeting Halibut



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